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  • Writer's pictureDianna Brown


My goal to have a completed manuscript by the end of the summer has fallen short. I'm not surprised as time goes fast when you have a lot going on! I did however add 40 pages to my manuscript during the 3 Day International Novel Contest. Last year I completed a 100 page novella, but this year was different as I was in Fairmont, BC with my family. I wrote while my family slept and while they swam for hours in the hot-springs. I did a little writing on our many boat rides and fishing trips, but it was too much fun with spectacular scenery as the smoke cleared from the mountains that weekend.

The trip also inspired me to add some content we experienced when we were making our way back in Lake Minnewanka, a deep, vast blue-green lake that mimics the ocean when temperamental winds blow through the mountains. Let's just say I'm going to let someone know where we are the next time we boat somewhere with no service.

I have to admit that I underestimated the work that comes after publishing an independent novel. I thought writing the novel would be the hardest part, but editing, designing and marketing has been a real eye-opener for me—not to mention a tremendous expense. I am grateful for each person who has taken the time to support my latest venture to becoming an author - by purchasing, reviewing, giving advice, encouraging me, sharing the news and saturating my mind with ideas for upcoming novels.

Now that I am back at University for my final year of the Education program, I realize I need to postpone my deadline for my manuscript. I will aim to have it complete by November, so that I have a similar timeline as Saltwater Joys. My goal will be to publish 'Saltwater Stranger' in May of 2019. I would love to publish one book every year. With that being said, I am very open to looking for a publisher to pick up my work, as I want my career-focus to be teaching and writing. I am not a salesperson by nature, and I would prefer to give my books away if it meant it inspired people to read, but the truth is that I will consider myself a success if I can break even in my writing career. My teaching career may have to support my writing career, and I am okay with that.

I'm hoping time slows down a little this year, as I have so many plans, and a limited amount of time to squeeze in all I want to do. I can't tell you how stoked I am to look to my future, as a teacher and a writer. Two of my passions for a duo-career is a real treat and blessing and keeps me inching forward. I also realize my children are growing so fast and have their own busy schedules with school, friends and hockey that I'll need to make the most of my time. If anyone has any secrets on how to lasso time, I am all ears.


The wind picks up fast at Lake Minnewanka.

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